Friday, July 27, 2018

8- Mid July 2018 Recommends and Mat's Top 10 (6-10)

Rounding out the bottom half of our top ten's Mat takes some time to talk about his 6-10 favorite movies of all time. We also talk some SDCC, give you a few recommends then send you on your merry way. 

0:00 News
15:17 Trailer Park
39:17 Netflix
43:06 Hulu
47:39 Amazon Prime
51:41 HBO
54:27 Mat’s Top 10 (6-10)
1:06:40 What We’re Into 

1:08:16 Plugs

You can follow Mat on Twitter @armchairmat

You can follow Michael on Instagram @mposey

You can email the show and let us know what we missed, and what we should check out at

Intro/Outro music is Mezcal Y Sangrita by Brazzmatazz under the following license
The original song was cut down for the opening and closing.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

7- July 2018 New Releases and Half of Michael's Top 10

Back again for yet another big month of releases, we cover the usual but spice it up this episode by talking about Michael's bottom 5 of his top 10 movies of all time. Enjoy!

0:00 News
23:25 Netflix
34:56 Hulu
44:05 Amazon 
51:00 HBO
1:00:33 Michael's Top 10 (6-10)
1:13:43 What We've Been Into

Podcast Link:

You can follow Mat on Twitter @armchairmat

You can follow Michael on Instagram @mposey

You can email the show and let us know what we missed, and what we should check out at

Intro/Outro music is Mezcal Y Sangrita by Brazzmatazz under the following license

The original song was cut down for the opening and closing.